Ingenious (and Helpful) Inventions

My tablet, set up on the Bluetooth keyboard...and Scribbles II on the screen.

My tablet, set up on the Bluetooth keyboard…and Scribbles II on the screen.

When hubby surprised me with a cruise to Cozumel, Mexico last year to celebrate our 50th wedding anniversary, the cover story he gave to get me to the Port of New Orleans, without my being any the wiser, was that we were going to spend our anniversary at a nice hotel in Nyawlins. So I took my laptop along, planning to join my chat group each evening while we were away from home.

But it turned out we were on a ship, not in a hotel, and I couldn’t get online via my laptop. So it was just so much dead weight. (I did write a blog post about our cruise, but still…)

Hubby had always said that he didn’t EVER want to set foot on a ship, after all the time he’d spent on Navy ships. But he had a blast, as I did. He had such a good time that he decided that the best way to check off the last item on his “States I’ve Visited”  bucket list…i.e., Alaska…was by taking a cruise to said state. And so he had our travel agent book us on a cruise at the end of August.

In the meantime, he bought me a Samsung Galaxy Tablet and a Belkin Bluetooth keyboard to go with it. They are small enough to fit in the back pocket of my pocketbook. So the tablet accompanies me everywhere I go, and, if it appears I might have an opportunity to write, the keyboard goes along for the ride.

While they aren’t as heavy as my laptop, they aren’t exactly light as a feather either (hubby says the weight of my pocketbook makes it a lethal weapon). But that’s beside the point. I can go anywhere equipped to write should the opportunity present itself.

On the 4 ½ hour flight from Atlanta to Seattle, I whipped out my tablet and keyboard and got some serious writing done on Scribbles II: Escape. (The flight from Pensacola to Atlanta is barely long enough attain altitude, drink the cup of water the flight attendants serve, then come in for the landing…not long enough to do any writing.)

Through much of the trip on board the ship, I was like so many other passengers, glued to the dining room windows or out on the fantail, mesmerized by the gorgeous scenery. (Don’t ask me why, but while the open decks were too, too cold and windy for me, the temps outside on the fantail were pretty comfortable.) But during the times the ship was in open waters, with no scenery to miss out on, hubby read and I wrote.

And I wrote on our return flight to Atlanta, and by the time I got home, I discovered I’d added 10K words to my manuscript! Too cool. So, I love my tablet/keyboard combination. Do you have anything that’s helped you with your writing?