50th Anniversary

Image of rings © Alexander Moroz via iStockphoto

September 29, 2012: fifty years ago today, my hubby and I eloped.

We’d known for some time that we wanted to get married, but the idea of “walking down the aisle,” with all the attendant fol-de-rol was intimidating to both of us. Neither of us enjoy a big fuss or being “center stage,” so eloping seemed the logical thing to do. I can’t tell you what a relief it was to bypass the ceremonial activities that I’d dreaded and make our vows privately before the Justice of the Peace.

I know this route is not for everyone, but it was perfect for us.

Last year, I realized we’d be facing another situation that could possibly entail a party or other event that made me feel squeamish—our fiftieth anniversary. I dreaded it. I said off-handedly to my husband that I wished there was some way we could “slip under the radar” and enjoy our anniversary quietly, no muss, no fuss, no party. And, sweetheart that he is, he arranged it.

He told me last week that it was all arranged: we’d go to a nice hotel in Nyawlins (that’s “New Orleans” for those of you who “ain’t from around here”). And we could celebrate it however we chose. Sounded great to me!

A few things he mentioned during the intervening days sorta gave me a sneaking suspicion that he wasn’t telling me the whole story. But…I didn’t ask, I just waited to watch everything unfold.

When we arrived in Nyawlins and he headed to the Port of New Orleans, my suspicions were confirmed. And today, on my anniversary, I’m taking a few minutes to write this post while the Carnival Elation is docked in Cozumel, Mexico.

Leave it to my hubby, he always has the greatest ideas! What a perfect 50th anniversary celebration for the two of us!

What about you? Is there a special time you’d like to share a comment or two about? I’d love to hear it!