On the Red Clay Hills


copyright Jesuino Souza via stock.xchng

I’m hard at work on the next MacLachlainn story … meaning, my fingers are typing sporadically, but in between the typing bouts my mind is lost in the writing daydream. Like each of the other MacLachlainn stories, I’m also spending an inordinate amount of time reading and researching the time and place where the story takes place.

When I write a contemporary story, there’s a minimal amount of research I have to do to make sure the story facts are accurately portrayed. After all, I’ve lived through this time period myself … I know what things are like. Except for specialized knowledge about places and products, I pretty much know enough to be accurate.

Not so when I write stories set in the past. I have to glean knowledge and understanding by reading materials written by those who either lived in those times or have studied them. And so my historical novels take much, much longer to research/write. (You should SEE the stack of books in my office!)

I’ve been studying the time period for this novel, which will be titled “On the Red Clay Hills,” for over two years now. There’s still a lot I need to know, so I’ll keep doing research even as I write.

So … it may take me a while to get to “The End” of this story, but … I’m on my way!

4 thoughts on “On the Red Clay Hills

  1. You know what the great thing about Kindle books is? When lying in bed and I finish a MacLachlainn novel, I can immediately click a couple of times and the next novel is right there. Wonderful. My Scots ancestors immigrated to Virginia (I think) in about time as Alan Mac arrived and so it held great interest for me. I could see my own ancestors going further and further “west” into North Carolina and Georgia and Alabama. My uncles told me that my grandmother was half Cherokee and I got even more interested. It made me wonder if you ran across an ancient ancestor of mine as you were researching. Thank you for you for your infinite research and dedication to being true to the time and people. And mostly thank your for writing a book to spark the imagination and keep us wanting more.

    • Thank you so much for your kind words! Doing the research and learning about my ancestors has been so fulfilling. And it’s such a blessing to know that others have enjoyed reading the stories about the people of that time. 🙂

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